Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanks for Honoring the Soldiers on Veteran's Day!

A HUGE thanks to those who made quilts to honor the wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Veteran's Day! We received 24 beautiful quilts from all over the country that Scott presented to his patients and other wounded soldiers on Monday, November 12, 2007. My friend, Kristi, helped spread the word about this project all the way to California. Her friend, Chanel, posted photos and information about the flag quilts on her blog and soon I received packages from Amanda, Barbara, Chanel, Ellen, Jenni, Julie and Kylie. These talented and amazing women sent 9 beautiful quilts that were humbly and graciously received by the soldiers. We are in awe of how quickly they responded. Your tremendous effort was greatly appreciated!!
Fifteen of the quilts Scott presented to the soldiers were made during the summer by young girls ages 12-18 while they attended a summer youth church camp. About 100 girls from around the Washington D.C. area and their youth leaders decided to make patriotic tied quilts as a service project to honor and thank the wounded soldiers at Walter Reed. A special thanks goes to Sue, a good friend who has given me help and inspiration for this project from the beginning, and Leslie, who spent countless hours managing this quilt project over the summer, and all of the girls who contributed and learned to tie quilts.

They are all members of The Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints, Washington, D.C. Stake. This was the second year we received quilts from Girls Camp. Last summer, Sue spearheaded a similar quilt project, with the help of our mutual friend, Anne, and they gave us 20 quilts that were presented to the soldiers on Veteran's Day 2006.
Many, many hours were spent sewing, and quilting and we are so thankful to the many individuals who support this ongoing service project.

Those who are fortunate enough to be able to work with these soldiers will tell you that their bravery, patriotism, optimism and spirit are amazing! Scott has been touched by his interaction with these men and women and this project provides a way to say thanks, honor and salute those soldiers who represent all of us. Few of us will have to make the sacrifices they have made for our country and the world. To all of them we say THANKS and will always be indebted to their service!!!

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